Tehran Office
- Address : Gharb Town, Farhadi Blvd, Sepehr St, after Derakhti crossroad - No. 124, Tehran, Iran.
- TEL: +98 21 91009200
- Fax : +98 21 86129471
- Email: info@bisco.midhco.com
Kerman Office
- Address : Jomhouri Blvd, after Farhangian crossroad, Jomhouri 12, West 2, third building, on the right, Kerman, IRAN
- TEL: +98 34 32118859
- Fax : +98 34 32118859
- Address : Butia Iranian Complex, 27th km of Imam Reza ring road, Kerman, IRAN
- TEL: +98 34 91009200
- Fax : +98 34 91009112